Providing educators with research-based models for effective instruction and assessment, moving students towards greater engagement and deeper learning.
Watch an excerpt from chapter 1
Karin's "Handy" Brain Model video (Reposted in 2023)
Planning on doing a book study with colleagues this year?
Download my awesome RbD Book Study Guide.
Read ENDORSEMENTS. See featured excerpts, & strategies below.
CHAPTER 2: Ask a Series of Probing Questions
Summary of Questioning Strategies - Use to review or check understanding of the Purpose and intended DOK Levels (pp. 52-54)
CHAPTER 3: Build Schemas in Each Content Area
CHAPTER 4: Consider Strategic Scaffolding
KID TOOL - TBEAR Use this graphic organizer to locate and analyze supporting evidence or to develop vocabulary.
Strategic Scaffolding Strategies for different DOK levels (Appendix, pp. 177-178)
Sample Differentiation Tasks by DOK Level (Middle School Examples from Differentiated Lessons for Every Learner)
Hess' Quick Tips for Differentiation - Quick Tips PDF version
CHAPTER 5: Design Complex Tasks
What Makes Tasks Complex? (pp. 97-99)
KID TOOL- Anticipation Guide (p.114)
KID TOOL: Storyboarding Planning Template for 6-Word Memoir (p. 117)
CHAPTER 6: Engage Students in Metacognition & Reflection
KID TOOL: Actionable Feedback Stems (p. 140)
KID TOOL: Sample Rubric for CTE/Auto Technology (p. 145)
KID TOOL- Student-Designed Planning, Tasks, and Evidence of Learning
Rigor by Design Walk-Through Tool - Annotated version with examples AND Blank editable version
Editable Lesson & Unit Planning Template: Teacher-Student Roles by DOK Level
Using the Actionable Assessment Cycle to Build Lessons/Units - Begin with Clarifying a Series of Learning Targets and an editable version of the Actionable Assessment Cycle Lesson/Unit Planning Tool
Appendix A - Kid Tools
Appendix B - Teacher Tools
Links to Related Resources (See the end of each chapter)