Providing educators with research-based models for effective instruction and assessment, moving students towards greater engagement and deeper learning.
Additional CTE Resources
CTE Competencies and Performance Task Development
Tools for Developing Competencies & Performance Scales (Deeper Competency-Based Learning, Hess, Colby & Joseph, 2020)
CBE Tool 5 (with ELA example)
CBE tool 5 - Analyze a competency - blank template
Guidelines for Task and Rubric Development (A Local Assessment Toolkit to Promote Deeper Learning, Hess, 2018)
Hess CRM 5D - Career & Technical Education Rigor Matrix (DOK examples)
S-T-A-R-S Planning Template - Use for developing simulation/role-play, performance tasks, and PBLs
Hess Tool 20 - Use for developing performance assessment tasks
Hess Tool 9 - Use to plan or give feedback to "validate" a peer's performance task; includes UDL criteria
Hess Tool 9A - Use to plan or give feedback to "validate" a peer's performance task or assessment
Hess Tool 10 - Use to give feedback on a peer's assessment (using notes from Tool9 or 9A)
Hess Tool #11 - Use to develop or analyze rubrics
Hess Assessment System Blueprint - Use to map all major course assessments to competencies
CTE Performance Task Examples & Ideas to Spark Your Thinking
Student-Created Videos - Tutorials and Testimonials Showing Evidence of Personalized Learning
KID TOOLS Planning: Writing a Treatment, Storyboarding, Planning a Structured Micro Lesson/Tutorial Video
KID TOOLS 6-Word Memoirs - Use to tell about self, others, events, characters, "how to" processes, demo key principles, etc.
What's the Story? (See highlighted links to resources); Introductory Lesson; and Process Steps- Use to share a personal perspective or reflection on "life" events.
Health Sciences/Biology - KID TOOL Survivor - Choose a patient profile, analyze symptoms, and propose a treatment
STEM/Health Sciences Assessments (University of Buffalo) - Using Case Studies
The Food Truck - Ideas for use in culinary courses (design theme-based menus), historical (time capsule) , or literary (theme, time/place, character, etc.) for Career Pathways (Blog - Spark Creativity (
Theater/Film Production - Theory and Practice (Concord Regional Tech Ctr)
Building Trades/Architecture & Design - Two-Car Garage with DRAFT rubric (Pinkerton Academy Tech Ctr)
Computer Programming - Robotic Arm Assessment (Concord Regional Tech Ctr)
Criminal Justice Assessment Examples /Case Studies
Fingerprint Evidence DRAFT task & rubric for discussion (Concord Regional Tech Ctr)
The Structure of Law and Courts (Law for Everyday Living)
Graphic Design Assessment Examples (Concord Regional Tech Ctr)
Theory and Practice Evidence for Career Pathways
Peer- and Self- Assessment example
Auto Fuel Efficiency (Defined STEM - Uses the GRASPS Framework)
Sample CTE Performance Task Prompts
Rubric Examples & Ideas for Wording
KID TOOLS Self-Direction K-12 Rubrics (Jobs for the Future/JFF BEST Toolkit)
KID TOOLS Collaboration K-12 Rubrics (Jobs for the Future/BEST Toolkit)
RI Applied Learning (Critical thinking, Problem solving, Research, Communication, & Reflection) - sample performance indicators
Vermont rubric example - Problem Solving performance indicators
Instructional/Planning Resources (Hess, Rigor by Design, 2022 pub. date)
Lesson & unit Planning with DOK Levels - interactive version with elementary math example
KID TOOL Student Planning Worksheet with DOK Levels - Editable version
Additional CBE Resources
EPIC Framework - research-based progressions for essential skills and dispositions - Self-Direction, Collaboration, Creativity, Communication
Designing for Equity: Leveraging Competency-Based Education to Ensure All Students Succeed [iNACOL & CompetencyWorks]
Quality Principles for Competency-Based Education