Providing educators with research-based models for effective instruction and assessment, moving students towards greater engagement and deeper learning.
CBE Resources - Social Justice
CBE Competencies and Performance Task Development
Tools for Developing Competencies & Performance Scales (Deeper Competency-Based Learning, Hess, Colby & Joseph, 2020)
CBE Tool 5 (with ELA example)
CBE tool 5 - Analyze a competency - blank template
Guidelines for Task and Rubric Development (A Local Assessment Toolkit to Promote Deeper Learning, Hess, 2018)
Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrices (DOK examples for 8 different content domains)
STARS Planning Template - Use for developing simulation/role-play tasks
Hess Tool 20 - Use for developing performance assessment tasks
Hess Tool 9 - Use to plan or give feedback to "validate" a peer's performance task; includes UDL criteria
Hess Tool 9A - Use to plan or give feedback to "validate" a peer's performance task or assessment
Hess Tool 10 - Use to give feedback on a peer's assessment (using notes from Tool9 or 9A)
Hess Tool #11 - Use to develop or analyze rubrics
Hess Assessment System Blueprint - Use to map all major course assessments to competencies
CTE Performance Task Examples & Ideas to Spark Your Thinking
Student-Created Videos - Tutorials and Testimonials Showing Evidence of Personalized Learning
KID TOOLS Planning: Writing a Treatment, Storyboarding, Planning a Structured Micro Lesson/Tutorial Video
KID TOOLS 6-Word Memoirs - Use to tell about self, others, events, characters, "how to" processes, demo key principles, etc.
What's the Story? (See highlighted links to resources); Introductory Lesson; and Process Steps- Use to share a personal perspective or reflection on "life" events.
Expeditionary Learning
Health Sciences/Biology - KID TOOL Survivor - Choose a patient profile, analyze symptoms, and propose a treatment
STEM/Health Sciences Assessments (University of Buffalo) - Using Case Studies
The Food Truck - Ideas for use in culinary courses (design theme-based menus), historical (time capsule) , or literary (theme, time/place, character, etc.) for Career Pathways (Blog - Spark Creativity (
Theater/Film Production - Theory and Practice (Concord Regional Tech Ctr)
Graphic Design Assessment Examples (Concord Regional Tech Ctr)
Theory and Practice Evidence for Career Pathways
Peer- and Self- Assessment example
Rubric Examples & Ideas for Wording
KID TOOLS Self-Direction K-12 Rubrics (Jobs for the Future/JFF BEST Toolkit)
RI Applied Learning (Critical thinking, Problem solving, Research, Communication, & Reflection) - sample performance indicators
Vermont rubric example - Problem Solving performance indicators
Instructional/Planning Resources (Hess, Rigor by Design, 2022 pub. date)
Lesson & unit Planning with DOK Levels - interactive version with elementary math example
KID TOOL Student Planning Worksheet with DOK Levels - Editable version
Additional CBE Resources
EPIC Framework - research-based progressions for essential skills and dispositions - Self-Direction, Collaboration, Creativity, Communication
Designing for Equity: Leveraging Competency-Based Education to Ensure All Students Succeed [iNACOL & CompetencyWorks]
Quality Principles for Competency-Based Education