Providing educators with research-based models for effective instruction and assessment, moving students towards greater engagement and deeper learning.
Cognitive Rigor & DOK Focus Area
The Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrices (CRMs)
Used in classrooms across the U.S. and translated for use in countries around the world!
NOW AVAILABLE! Applying Depth of Knowledge and Cognitive Rigor: An Educator's Guide to Supporting Deeper Learning. This book is a perfect companion to my earlier work, providing an in-depth introduction to DOK and cognitive rigor, hands-on activities, and links to multiple videos illustrating how the Hess CRMs are used to plan instruction and design assessments for learning transfer.
Watch Karin on these podcasts:
2024 with Heidi Hayes Jacobs: DOK and Storyboarding, based on Applying Depth of Knowledge and Cognitive Rigor.
2024 with Chrissy Beltran: "Planning for Rigor" posted by Instructional Coaching with Ms. B, based on Rigor by Design, Not Chance.
2021 webinar, sponsored by Mentoring Minds: Looking for Rigor in All the 'Right' Places
THE ACTIONABLE ASSESSMENT CYCLE - An excerpt from Rigor by Design, Not Chance
To Download the Hess CRMs, click on each TOOL # below
- Tool #1: Close Reading & Listening CRM
- Tool #3: Written & Oral Communication CRM
- Tool #4: Social Studies & Humanities CRM
CRM Versions with new numbering 1-8 also available for downloading here
- Tool # 5B: Health & Physical Education CRM
- Tool # 5C: World Languages CRM
- Tool # 5D: Career & Technical Education CRM
Download SPANISH versions of Hess CRMs: Tools #1-5D
7 Common Misconceptions about Rigor & DOK

Karin's work is referenced in many excellent educational resources, explored in both undergraduate pre-service teacher training courses, and applied in numerous research studies.
A few of the many resources referencing Karin's work, include...
Ainsworth, L. (2024). Integrating Teaching and Learning: “Timeless” Essentials for Creating integrated Units of Study. Volume one, chapter 4. BookBaby.
Ainsworth, L. & Donovan, K. (2019). Rigorous Curriculum Design. (second edition). The International Center for Leadership in Education.
Bailey, K. & Jakicic, C. (2016). Simplifying Common Assessment. Solution Tree Press.
Berger, R., Woodfin, L., & Vilen, A. (2016). Learning that Lasts. EL Education & Jossey-Bass.
Blackburn, B. (2025). Scaffolding for Success. Routledge.
Blackburn, B. (2022) Rigor in your Classroom: A Toolkit for Teachers – Second Edition. Routledge.
Brulles, D., Brown, K., & Winebrenner, S. (2016). Differentiated Lessons for Every Learner. Prufrock Press.
Center for Collaborative Education. (2012). Quality Performance Assessment: A Guide for Schools and Districts. Boston, MA: Author.
Colby, R. (2017). Competency-Based Education: A New Architecture for K-12 Schooling. Harvard Education Press.
Francis, E. (2021). Deconstructing Depth of Knowledge: A Method & Model for Deeper Teaching and Learning. Solution Tree.
Gibson, V., Cárdenas-Hagan, E., & Hess, K. (2019). Ready to Advance: A New Comprehensive Early Learning Curriculum. Benchmark Education Company.
Hogan, M. & Smart, S. (2020). Fundamentals of Literacy Instruction and Assessment, PreK-6, Second Edition. Paul Brookes Pub.
Love, S. & Strobaugh, R. (2019-2021). Critical Thinking in the Classroom: A Practitioner's Guide. Tyler, TX: Mentoring Minds.
Pijanowski, L. (2018). Architects of Deeper Learning Intentional Design for High Impact Instruction. The International Center for Leadership in Education.
Sousa, D. (2022). How the Brain Learns, 6th edition. Corwin
Stack, B. & Vander Els, J. (2017). Breaking with Tradition: The Shift to Competency-Based Learning in PLCs. Solution Tree.
St. Clair, S. (2024). Intentional Instructional Moves. ConnectEDD Publishing.
Vander Els, J. & Stack, B. (2022). Unpacking the Competency-Based Classroom: Equitable, Individualized Learning in a PLC at Work. Solution Tree.
Walsh, J.A. & Sattes, B. D. (2017). Quality questioning: Research-based practices to engage every learner. (2nd Ed). A Joint Publication: McREL International & Corwin.
Winebrenner, S. & Kiss, L. (2014). Teaching Kids with Learning Difficulties in Today’s Classrooms. Free Spirit Publishing.